Krakatoa – talk club: Felipe Cussen (CHL) about sound poetry


21. 5. 2015 | 18:00 | Goethe-Institut Bratislava, Panenská 33 FB event | free entry
Part of ô – festival zvukovej poézie.

Informal evening discussion, where an invited guest, who can see further than the end of his nose, talks about why, how and what he does. In a pleasant atmosphere you can talk and socialize with inspiring people from art / sci / tech scene.

Felipe Cussen is a writer and musician from Santiago, Chile. He has published several books, visual poems and sound poems. Felipe holds a PhD in Humanities at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain), and teaches at Instituto de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. He is also a part of the experimental poetry group “Foro de Escritores” and collaborates regularly with the electronic musician Ricardo Luna. On Krakatoa – talk club, Felipe will talk about his current academic research between sound poetry and mysticism, and then refer to his own sound poetry EP “Quick faith.”

Interview with Felipe

